Sunday, October 26, 2014

Bone Broth Goodness

Bone Broth for the Soul
Bone broth is one of the best things to have on hand in your fridge or freezer, because it can be used on its own or multiple recipes such as soups, stews, sauces, and more! Bone broth is one of the healthiest foods to consumer, as it can help regulate your digestive system to help your gut stay healthy and boosts your immune system. The reason we use apple cider as the only other ingredient to make it, is that it helps bring out the awesome minerals from the bones that we need to help maintain healthy bones, teeth, hair, nails and skin. It's one of the cheapest health remedies!

4lbs Good Quality Beef Bones (you can use this method for pork or chicken bones)
1/4 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
  1. Place bones in a large stock pot and fill with cold water - not hot! The pot should be large enough that the bones should be completely covered by the water, and at least 1-2" below the top of the pot. Add in your apple cider vinegar.
  2. Turn the stove to medium-low heat, just enough for it to simmer, you don't want a boil, then let it go for about 6 hours (4 hours for chicken bones). It depends on how big your bones are - the bigger bones usually take a longer time.
  3. Throughout the time it is boil, using a large spoon, skim off the foam and scum and discard. It is important to remove this, as it is all the impurities coming out of the bones.
  4. Once the time is up, turn off the stove, and remove the bones first and allow to cool - best way is to place the pot in your sink, then fill around it with cold water. This brings it down to a cooler temperature faster and in a safer manner so bacteria doesn't form.
  5. Strain the broth into a blender container - this makes it easier to pour into smaller containers for storing. You can store the broth in the fridge for a week, but much longer in the freezer. I portion it into one cup silicone moulds then freeze them, pop them out of the mould into a freezer friendly container.  
NOTE: When re-heating broth, make sure you bring it to a boil for at least 2 minutes before consuming. Also, if you want a darker broth, roast the bones first for 30 minutes at 375 in the oven beforehand.

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